feel good naked
I wrote Feel Good Naked™, 10 No-Diet Secrets For A Fabulous Body, to help women learn to love their bodies. After spending decades working as a fitness professional with high-profile clients, I realized that beauty truly does come from the inside. It has to be nurtured emotionally and mentally in order to radiate out through the body.
Feel Good Naked™ teaches that a woman’s magnetism has nothing to do with how much she weighs and everything to do with how she thinks. My 10-step no-diet program helps shed pounds and the underlying mental/emotional blocks of body hatred and insecurity. It’s all based on the inseparable mind/body connection and it works!
“A woman’s magnetism has everything to do with the way she feels about herself and little to do with isolated body parts. When she walks into a room, everyone turns to notice her presence, her energy. Not one person notices her dress size. She is a woman who has high self-esteem and there’s nothing more beautiful. ”